Poverty and supêrstìtions are like 5 and 6

Regal · 1 week ago · 0 Replies · 0 Replies

I realized a very few years ago that while pôvèrty and supêrstìtions may seem unrelated at first glance, there is a clear and strong relationship between the two that can have significant impacts on individuals and their finances.


When this knowledge hit me, I decided to use myself and the people I see around me frequently as a case study and from my findings, I realized individuals living in pôvèrty are more likely to hold supêrstìtions beliefs compared to those who are financially stable.


I noticed the poor and some middle class attach supêrstìtions to everything that happens to them and around them.


These deep beliefs make people not take responsibility for anything and always attach something spiritual to everything. They hardly trust people around them and sûspect every move of individuals that they have an encounter with.


For example, a man who refuses to look for work and enjoys staying indoors sleeping and watching TV will still go ahead to blame his village people for being pôôr.


Or a man who sees his innocent rich neighbour who minds his/her business, but works very hard as the source of his jôblessness.


Or a woman attributing her headache after a stressful day to the cat she met on her pathway earlier in the day.


Funny right? 


I was there …


Most of these beliefs could be attributed to several factors, including a lack of access to good education, limited exposure to scientific knowledge, too much watching Nollywood movies, and going to places or listening to people who glorify and exaggerate the pôwer of the dêvìl rather than God.


Yes, I know that believing in something beyond your control can provide a sense of hope and a belief that things will eventually get better, which is the good part, but suspecting everyone around you to be êvìl or being an agent of the dêvìl is something nônsensical, maybe because I have evolved from the old me and think differently now.


The disadvantage is that holding on to some of these beliefs hinders someone from persevering when faced with chållengês or õbstacles while striving to accomplish goals.


I became aware that anything that allows you to blame others or something when you are supposed to look keenly and see that part you are playing to make a thing happen will not only make that thing continue but also cause sêtbåcks in life.


How I wished I realized this thing early in life but I'm still thankful I realized at a good age that it's not too late to make amends.


Supêrstìtions and pôvèrty (fãilures)  are like 5 and 6.


This might not resonate with you and you don't have to agree with this post, but I'm writing from my experience.


I hope you had a less stressful day.

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