The Solution to Sexual Violence, Rape, and Infidelity In our society

Sele · 1 month ago · 0 Replies · 2 Replies

  I sele, have studied our society and some NGOs that advocate for women who experience Sexual violence; I must say they are doing a great job since their inception, although they focus on the product or outcome of the problem and not the penetrator of the act which is mostly male teenager and adult.

I have had a passion for grooming male children since I was a teenager; I discovered that the rate of Sexual violence against women, abuse, and infidelity from the male gender couldn't be reduced solely by focusing only on female children, “teenagers and adults”. I talked with several women that have been victims of rape, Sexual violence, abuse and cheating, and I saw that the male gender is the one more focus should be put on because women are the victim in most cases although we now have male children, and a teenager who is Sexual abuse by both male and female gender,  however, the male gender is the major cause of Sexual violence to both gender.

  I saw reason to begin to advocate the grooming of male children to be responsible teenagers and adults, to be sexually disciplined, responsible fathers, and husbands, the need to respect a woman's body, know that consent must be sought first before engaging in any sexual activities, become faithful partners and husband, to treat all women that cross their part as if these women are their mother.

One thing I have discovered is that those men who are abusive or engaged in rape lack empathy, and I seek to teach male children step to grow empathy in them. 

In every 100 women 

50 has been raped 

30 has had rape attempts but escape 

10  has not been raped or had a rape attempt. 

I began to think about how I could preach this message that it can get to billions of people, especially male children, teenagers, and adults; I thought Evolve Community should be the best platform for me, seeing I am ready and interested in it.

Noted that we can't continue to wait for women to fall victim to rape or Sexual abuse before we offer to help them through the traumatic experience, but we can prevent the occurrence of rape and sexual violence against women, female and male children, by joining me ‘ Sele ’ to advocate the grooming of male children and this will reduce the Sexual violence against women. 


This is possible if we join hands to groom all my children.


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