Things I wish I knew before Adulthood.

SirDee221 month ago1 Replies0 Replies

I wish I understood earlier than now that our life naturally attracts certain results or even relationships as we grow, rather than trying to force our way into rooms we're not matured to enter yet.聽

Simply put, there are level of results we don't force our way into when we pursue them. We naturally attract them through growth.

I wish I knew my physical appearance does not define who I really am. I am the driver of my life, I am the one to decide I want my car(life) to move on the wrong road or right road. I am my own saviour.

I wish I knew that I have all it takes to define myself, blaming or listening to everyone won't take you anywhere.

That not everyone will support what you are doing.

That finding myself is the first step to self freedom.

I wish I knew earlier that I deserve the best because many times, life will try to give you what is below your desire and standard but if you know what you truly deserve, you will never settle for less just to fit in.

Sir Dee

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