With Better Leadership, Africa Can Achieve More.

Cliffy · 1 year ago · 0 Replies · 0 Replies

Have you considered that the same cycle of human and material resources exploitation is repeating itself in Africa? Are you worried about Africa's cycle of repeated subjugation by the other continents, especially the West?


If you knew a little about history, you will remember that Africans (leaders at various levels at that time) capture their fellow Africans, and sold them to Europeans as sl@ves in exchange for hot drinks, snuffs, Dane guns, etc. 


See what has been happening at a glance:

THEN                                                                          NOW

Leaders capture their subjects using their warriors      Leaders capture their people’s resources using                                                                                          their political cronies 

They sold those captives away as sl@ves to the         They send those monies away to foreign accounts

foreign countries                                                          as loots                                                                                                                                         

They get in exchange hot drinks, snuffs, Dane guns     They get in exchange abroad mansions,      

(items that intoxicates and gives them power over       foreign bank accounts, access to foreign loans   

their subjects)                                                              (which they still re-loot)


They lie to their people that the white men are here     They lie to their people that the foreign loans 

to show them better ways of life                                  are for development


They received huge gifts/incentives from the                They receive IMF/World Bank loans and 

foreigners and allow them exploit their                         allow foreigners to exploit their peoples’  

peoples’ resources.                                                       resources.



Let’s not pretend about it; leadership failure kept Africa backward! You can achieve more than your present achievement if we have better leadership in Africa. 


That was when what we know today as "brain Drain started. So you could really see that the ‘leaders’ in this continent has always been the biggest betrayers of their people, up until today! You might think that the act of sl@very might have stopped but, it didn’t. It only got modified. 



The same people (African leaders) are behind the mass migration of African best brains (mostly youths) to other continents. The same people (African leaders) are responsible for looting their various countries’ treasuries to syphon them to other continents.



When the custodians of the people’s resources are only about their selfish interest and impoverishment of their own people, then we have an Africa where insecurity, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and diseases are endemic. 


If Africa cannot break the cycle of ‘corrupt leaders’ who ‘betray’ their own people, then we have to accept that we may never realize our full potentials as humans. 


We should start asking ourselves, what can we do to change the narrative of failed leadership in Africa?  How can the next generation of African leaders be different from this present crop of leaders we have now? Is the present adopted system of government really working for us, or is there a better alternative? What first steps should the younger generation take towards realizing a better leadership for our mother Africa?


Members of this community are expected to make their contributions objectively. Again, let’s not pretend about it; leadership failure kept Africa backward!


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