When u are an Excellent person people will pay any price for the value u offer.
Prayer is the master key but Excellence is the key holder. One way to be an Excellent person is to Learn and Summit to Mentorship.
If you are Excellent people will easily see you Compatible.
DISTRACTIONS Simply means divided Attention,Interest,Thoughts and Focus.
If u are ever going to win distraction u must be a Man of one thing which is Focus.
Every Champion in Life wins over distraction.
The Devil cannot Control your Life if you are not distracted.
A Distracted person is a man of displaced priorities.
when you are distracted u become a victim of Failure.
Giving attention to what is not important in your life is distraction.
A Distracted person will end up being a pitied person.
Distraction reduces the quality of your accomplishment.
Distraction makes u to Celebrate Mediocrity and call it result.
A Distracted person will always be at the lowest realm of life.
A Distracted person will always have a life full of pains and regret.
A Distracted person is always pushed into a Circumstantial Future.
The easiest way to win over distraction is to Focus and Learn.