Precious22 · 1 month ago · 0 Replies · 0 Replies

How can you know or tell if you are in the right RELATIONSHIP?


Many people are still single or still in a bad relationship for the fear of the unknown. You hear them asking ‘what if’ because they don't know what its means or what to look out for, some come with so much expectations and at the end when there expectations are not met,you see them running off.

Yes its absolutely true that its not all relationship that leads to marriage but its also true that A RELATIONSHIP “one out of those relationships can lead to marriage” all you need is to know when you are in a right RELATIONSHIP. You should be able to know when to stay and when to get out.

Here are few tips to have at the back of your mind when going into relationship.

1: Is the person your spec

2: Is he or she into you

3:Do your dreams corresponds or compliments each other

4: How do you converse, do you talk about the future together

5:Does he or she support your dreams

6:Dose he or she hide you from his or her family and friends

7:Does he or she create time for you no matter how little.

8:If you are in a relationship with someone who is always so busy, you have to come to an agreement on that

9: Do he or she abuse you physically, emotionally or otherwise

10: Does he or she tends to your physical or emotional needs.


These are but few of the things you should consider in a relationship. 

Not all relationships are bad as well as good. You should be sensible enough to understand when you are in the right RELATIONSHIP.



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