The elders do not stay in the market and watch the head of a new born baby bend.

OracleAmadioha1 year ago0 Replies1 Replies

So, this little girl of about 13 or 14 years (my guess), whose mother I usually get breakfast from in business environment, has gotten so fond of me to the extent someone close to me said to me with utmost seriousness few days ago, "Abuchi, if this girl gets pregnant, you may be accused of being responsible." And the normal natural me just smiled in response to that because. The thing is, I know a lot of guys who will see this fondness as an opportunity to manipulate the little girl and mess up with her being, brain and psych out of lack of self discipline, self respect and self dignity. They will actually weaponize the 聽little girl's innocence and naivety.

At the moment, such girls may not really understand the graveness involved in getting down with such guys because they (the girls) must have been brainwashed to believe anything. But sooner or later, when they've grown beyond this stage, evolved and become more capable to think independently, deeply and straightforwardly, they'll most likely see such past incidents as abominations and the older guys who were supposed to mentor them appropriately as abominable beings. Although, I will not want to dispute the fact some of these girls never see anything wrong in the act even after they must have ably become more advanced. But the truth is, most get mentally affected either gravely or trivially.

Now, this is the crux, as a man, either old or young, you should be able to make yourself well principled. Seriously, most of these girls below 18 know nothing. Their weirdness and wideness is a testament to the nothingness that preponderates over their brain. They're in their impressionable age, easily influenced and very vulnerable. It's completely antihuman to use it against them. I have always being in a position where these girls, like ants that have seen a cube of sugar, try to be around me and become fond of me for God known reasons. Nonetheless, I have always personally use this opportunity to mentor them and teach them their left from right.

I am not perfect. Far from that! But I understand some things about life. Whatever goes around comes around. Life is governed by unseen and unwritten rules and principles. You just don't do anything anyhow. If I have my way which I would eventually have, I will punish most of these guys who violate the altar of these underage beings. I will sue as many as I can for statutory rape. What do you gain from messing with the psych of young girls who know nothing. This is just my own simple way to admonish everyone who cares to listen to desist from being antihuman, anti-minor and anti-juvenile. Little things impress these girls. It should not be used against them. Rather, it should be used to teach them the right things they need to know.

I've seen someone I tried to correct telling me to my face he had no dignity ad he wasn't ready to have any 馃檰 I am a man too and I do things but with mature ladies and conscientiously馃檯馃お

I have my boundaries and limitations while engaging with such little ladies even though they're always around me, always! And seriously, whenever I remember and think about my track record so far, I always have both JOY AND PEACE even though it's against the premonitions of the herd mentality in this regard. TO EACH, HIS OWN!

NB: For those who care, Statutory rape refers to sexual activity between an adult and a minor who is below the age of consent, which varies by jurisdiction but is typically around 16 to 18 years old. It is considered a criminal offense because minors are legally unable to provide informed consent for sexual activities. Laws surrounding statutory rape vary by country and state, and penalties can range from fines to imprisonment, depending on the circumstances and the age difference between the individuals involved. I personally advise men to resist and desist from any girl who's below 21 even though consent age is 18. 馃搶馃搶馃搶 PEACE 馃搶馃搶馃搶

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