UYAIORON · 1 year ago · 3 Replies · 1 Replies

People who surround us have a great impact in our lives. We slowly start to behave much like the people we are surrounded with.


There are two types of people, one who believe in gossips and rumours and others who believe in uplifting others.


The kind of people we choose in our lives is in our hands. When we choose those who are encouraging, we also develop a positive outlook towards life. We get motivated for our own life and see every person as a source of learning.

People who discourage others by gossiping only lose the time of their life. They spread negativity and rejection, and being surrounded by such people, you slowly accept their way of living and become one like them.


Choose to be in a company that makes you believe in yourself. If you have to let down others, to feel encouraged, you are in a wrong company.
Happy Sunday my people..


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