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Humble1 year ago3 Replies
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SaleemBako1 year ago17 Replies
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Honesty is the best policy refers to the importance of honesty in life. It is vital to be honest in life as it defines your real character. We all are different from each other and what defines our individual character is our real persona and ethics in life. People identify the real you only if you are honest and real with them. If you believe in yourself and value yourself then you would voice your true opinion and express yourself. In every aspect of life it is important to be honest. Often we might find ourselves in a situation where we find it difficult to follow the path of honesty and feel the urge to lie but once you start lying, you develop a habit. One can cheat or betray others but how can one lie to oneself. Following the path of honesty is worth it as it leads you to a positive life. We all know lying whether to parents, teachers or anyone else is wrong and at the end of the day the consequences of lying may adversely affect not only those we lie to but also to our self. So, it is always vital to be truthful in life and never lie or cheat anyone.

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elisha011 year ago5 Replies
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Even those that desire garri, can learn how to make it

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elisha011 year ago . View reply topic
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